CDO Workforce News & Blog

Chenango-Delaware-Otsego Workforce News & Blog

The Official Career Development Source for Employment, Training and Recruitment issues for Business and Individuals in Chenango, Delaware and Otsego Counties of New York State.

Tips to Make Presentations More Accessible


The University of Washington gathered suggestions from several popular presenters. about how to make presentations more accessible. 

Here are a few that are easy to follow:

  • Minimize the number of slides. No one wants to be shot with a fire hose while trying to understand your talk.
  • Minimize the amount of text on slides. When you advance a slide, pause to let people read it before saying anything. This will allow people who are deaf and everyone else in the audience to read the slide before you start talking.
  • Avoid presenting images of complex charts or tables. Make graphics as simple as possible. No one wants to read a complicated graphic when there are only a few important facts about it.
  • Make sure that videos are captioned and audio described. Sometimes it is good to give a brief description of what is in the video before it is played. This will help audience members to establish a context for what comes next.
  • Ensure the question and answer period is accessible. If there is a microphone for questioners, make sure they use it. Otherwise, repeat the question so everyone can hear it/it gets interpreted.
  • Face people with hearing impairments, and avoid covering your mouth, so they can see your lips. Avoid talking while chewing gum or eating.
  • Speak clearly at a normal volume. Speak louder only if requested.
  • When using an interpreter, speak directly to the person who is deaf; when an interpreter voices what a person who is deaf signs, look at the person who is deaf, not the interpreter.

This 10-minute video from AHEAD will also give you all sorts of tips and advice on how to make your presentations engaging and accessible to all of your audience.

Presentation: Increasing ABLE Account Savings thr...
Thank you, Veterans!

Connecting Job Seekers with Businesses - All at No Cost to You

Businesses - Save money and time by outsourcing your recruitment needs to CDO Workforce. Our Career Center staff provides employers with convenient, no-cost recruitment services by connecting job seekers and employers. What We Can Do for You: Match job seekers with job openings. Coordinate communication between you, our partner agencies, and the pool of local, qualified workers. Provide interview space at the Career Center if you wish to recruit on-site. Provide targeted or general job fair recruitment opportunities.

Post your company's job openings at no charge with CDO Workforce and get exposure to many job seekers. Your job will be posted to New York State Job Bank. To submit your posting, go here

For more job listing options visit:

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You can also visit the NYS Dept of Labor website for additional Workshop information, click here

Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Veterans Come First

Veterans Come First! CDO Workforce New York Career System is proud to offer Priority of Service to veterans and their eligible spouses.
What does this mean? If you served in the military, you will be:

  • Served first by the next available staff member.
  • Given first priority for jobs and training referrals for which you are eligible and qualified.

Please visit the veterans' portal of the NYSDOL website for more information and the NYS Division of Veterans Affairs

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