Staff at CDO Workforce New York have been working with partners across New York State to empower young New Yorkers with disabilities to build Integrated Resource Teams that will help them transition into successful careers. Can you help us make that project successful?
A draft Integrated Resource Team Toolkit will be open for community review and comment very soon. Sign up now to be sent a link to the toolkit when it's ready! Once it arrives, take a few minutes to look it over and tell us what you think; we'll even send you a list of questions you can use to guide your feedback.
Are you ready to be among the first to look at the resources, success stories, suggestions, and tools we've collected? Sign up now to be emailed the toolkit link when it's ready for review. Just e-mail your contact information to . We are looking forward to your input and suggestions.
CDO Workforce is launching a Pilot Project: Effective Use of Virtual Job Shadowing Software . We will be using virtual job shadowing software as one component of the Integrated Resource Team job placement and work experience activities. The pilot project will run until April 23rd to assess the effectiveness of the Virtual Job Shadowing on-line software program as a tool for young adults, ages 18-24, with disclosed disabilities.
The purpose of the software is to improve the knowledge, awareness and skills of participants related to career exploration, finding jobs, and job readiness skills. The goal of this project is to find out how the new Job Shadowing Software can be helpful for career exploration and job search; and to find out how employment counselors can use this software to better support those who are looking for work.
The software has been tested in many settings successfully. We hope to learn what tools serve youth and employment counselors and determine what strategies will support use and integration of into career exploration at CDO.
Project Contacts: Alan Sessions or Kathy DeAngelo, 607-432-4800
Project Outcome Goals for CDO Staff:
>Strategies to successfully incorporate the Virtual Job Shadowing Software into CDO to improve services and supports to youth.
>Data, measurable impact from pre and post-assessment, and lessons learned gathered from both youth and employment counselor; based on the analysis of the data, recommend process to make sure the software can be successfully used by more youth.
Key Pilot Project Questions:
>Do youth improve their knowledge and awareness of careers, education and training, and job skills after completing Virtual Job Shadowing planned lessons and activities?
>Do youth and young adults identify a realistic career pathway after participating in the Virtual Job Shadowing pilot project? (Realistic= understanding of what education and training is needed; and career choice matches personal interests, talents, and goals.)
>Do the job shadowing software activities motivate or guide participants to further job search or job placement activities?
CDO Workforce is seeking 25 youth with disabilities, ages 18 – 24, for this pilot program, Youth should be open to career exploration assistance. Youth that are interested in the pilot should contact Alan Sessions at 607-432-4800 x 109 or e-mail: for more information.
Thank you in advance for your help!
View our event calendar.
You can also visit the NYS Dept of Labor website for additional Workshop information, click here
Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.