PO Box 550, Binghamton, NY 13902
211 calls can offer guidance on issues ranging from troubles with housing and shelter, rent payments, employment and education, income assistance, food and meal assistance, legal assistance, health and dental care, mental health, help with clothing and household items, substance abuse programs, transportation and reentry to society, family care and more. 211 does not offer direct financial assistance. Instead, the service puts people in touch with the programs who can, or point callers to resources to find the answers they need.
511 NY Rideshare
Services: 5-1-1 is a transportation and traffic information telephone hotline in some regions of the United States and Canada. Travelers can dial 511, a three-digit telephone number, on landlines and most mobile phones.
Catholic Charities of Chenango County
3 0'Hara Drive
Norwich NY 13815
Phone: 607-334-8244
Services: Assists individuals and families in need by providing information, emergency assistance, intervention, and individual case management services/programs.
Chenango County Catholic Charities Roots & Wings
34-36 Berry St.
Norwich NY 13815
Phone: 607-334-8244
Services: Provides food security programs, emergency housing services and prescription assistance for individuals and families in need.
Chenango Dept. of Social Services
5 Court St
Norwich, NY 13815
Phone: 607-337-1500
Services: Provides services to assist individuals in transitioning from dependence on Temporary Assistance to financial self-sufficiency through employment. Health Insurance program that helps people who can't afford medical care pay for some or all of their medical bills. SNAP (Food Stamps) is a nutrition assistance program designed to supplement a household's food budget. Provides temporary financial assistance to eligible families and individuals
Chenango County Behavioral Health Services
5 Court Street
Norwich, NY. 13815
Phone: 607-337-1600
Services: Mental Health Care, Outpatient Programs, Community Mental Health Center. After-hours Crisis Services - 1-877-369-6699
Chenango County Youth Bureau
County Office Building
5 Court Street
Norwich, NY 13815
Phone: 607-337-1656
Services: Provides youth and their families with opportunities to help them meet their needs for physical, social, moral and emotional growth.
Chenango United Way
83 N Broad St.
Norwich, NY 13815
Services: Builds partnerships and maximizes resources to improve the quality life for local residents in the focus areas of income, education and health.
Cornell Cooperative Extension
99 North Broad Street
Norwich, NY 13815-1386
Phone: 607-334-5841
Services: Provides information on topics such as commercial and consumer agriculture, nutrition and health, youth and families, finances, energy efficiency, economic and community development, and sustainable natural resources to enable residents to improve their lives and communities.
Dispute Resolution Center of Chenango, Delaware & Otsego Counties
27 West Main Street
Norwich, NY 13815
Phone: 607-336-1982 / 607-746-6351
Services: Free and confidential community dispute resolution services by appointment. Specialty mediations including Agricultural, Special Education, Lemon Law and Adult Guardianship mediations provided by trained staff and community volunteers.
Family Enrichment Network
21 South Broad Street
Norwich, NY 13815
Phone: 607-373-3555
Services: Provides supportive services for the optimal development of children and families to improve their quality of life.
Greater Opportunities for Broome and Chenango, Inc.
44 W Main St.
Norwich, NY 13815
Phone: 607-334-7114
Services: Provides Chenango County residents programs to support families and individuals to recognize their strengths, set realistic goals, make responsible choices, and become successful, self-sufficient members of the community.
Liberty Resources
Help Restore Hope Center for Domestic Violence Education/Support Group
Phone: 607-334-7779
The Liberty Resources Help Restore Hope Center provides free and confidential services to those affected by sexual assault, domestic violence, or other violent crimes in Madison and Chenango Counties. Call the 24/7 support hotline for assistance at 1-855-966-9723.
Mothers and Babies
457 State Street Binghamton, NY 13901
Phone: 607-772-0517
Services: Our mission is to improve pregnancy and child birth outcomes and to support the health and development of all individuals and families. We educate our communities; connect individuals and families to health and other services, advocate for system improvements, and partner with other agencies, government and providers to strengthen families.
NY Kinship
87 N. Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
Phone: 877-454-6463
Services: The NYS Kinship Navigator is an information, referral and advocacy program for kinship caregivers in New York State. A kinship caregiver is an individual that is caring for a child that is not biologically their own. In New York State, there are an estimated 179,000 caregivers, 131,000 of whom are grandparents. Many others are aunts and uncles. The Navigator seeks to assist these caregivers by providing information on financial assistance, legal information and referrals, and other types of issues that caregivers face when raising children in order to provide stability and permanency in the home.
The Place - The Christian Neighborhood Center of Norwich
22 E Main St.
Norwich, NY 13815
Phone: 607-336-9696
Services: Provides a safe, nurturing environment in which children learn, grow, and are encouraged to realize their full potential as individuals and members of the community.
Rural Health Network of South Central New York GetThere Transportation Assistance Program
455 Court Street
Binghamton, New York 13904
Phone: 855-373-4040 or 607-692-7669
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Site at Hartwick College
Hartwick College
PO Box 4020
207 Golisano Hall
Oneonta, NY 13820
Tel. (607) - 431 - 4338
Services: VITA grant program is an IRS initiative designed to support free tax preparation service for the underserved through various partner organizations. This service helps low- to moderate-income individuals, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English speakers file their taxes each year for free. Services are offered year-round.