How to Embrace Employees with Disabilities
Posted below are links to resources for each strategy that will help your organization advance the workplace culture for employees with disabilities.
Create an Inclusive Work Environment
Building an Inclusive Workforce: A Four-Step Reference Guide to Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining Employees with Disabilities - This tool, developed by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), outlines how to put systems in place for a more inclusive workforce.
Disability Equality Index Best Practices - Created by Disability:IN, these best practices enable a culture of inclusion that promotes increased self-identification, employees feeling truly welcomed to be their authentic selves, and innovation sparked by disability inclusion being built into products and services. The Disability Equality Index (DEI) is a comprehensive assessment tool jointly designed by business leaders and disability advocates. The DEI helps businesses analyze their environment, identify opportunities, and leverage disability inclusion as a competitive advantage.
Disability Sensitivity Guide - The National Disability Institute created this guide to provide information on how to increase awareness among educators and instructors, and provide communication strategies to create a more inclusive environment.
Disability Inclusion Blueprint - The National Business and Disability Council (NBDC) at The Viscardi Center designed the Disability Inclusion Blueprint to spark thinking and creativity to drive strategy that moves your company from knowing it should do something to actually doing something to better market to, employ, and serve the disability market.
Provide Accommodations
Accommodations are often easier and more affordable to implement than most people think.
JAN's Searchable Online Accommodation Resource - This search tool is designed to let users explore various accommodation options for people with disabilities in work and educational settings.
Using Assistive Technology in the Workplace - The Social Security Administration created this comprehensive list of assistive technology that can help empower people with disabilities to perform job tasks that they might not otherwise be able to do.
ADA Small Business Primer - From the U.S. Department of Justice, this document provides guidance to assist small business owners in understanding how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to them.
Create Work-Based Learning Programs for Youth with Disabilities
Partner with your local workforce development board to develop programs that appeal to young people with disabilities.
Inclusive Internship Programs - The Office of Disability Employment Policy created this “How-to Guide for Employers" on establishing an inclusive internship program.
Apprenticeships | U.S. Department of Labor - Promote your open apprenticeship jobs, learn about apprenticeship as a workforce solution, and connect with partners.
Workforce Development Board Apprenticeship Program for Businesses - HMO Working Solutions created this video to highlight the importance of apprenticeships, which can also be relevant for employees with disabilities.
Offer Company-Wide Professional Development
Potential training topics for your teams can include:
- Recruiting People With Disabilities
- Disability Sensitivity
- Disability Awareness: What is Disability and Why it Matters to Business
- Disability Etiquette
- Interviewing Candidates with Disabilities
- Conducting Performance Discussions with Employees with Disabilities
- Supporting Employees with Mental Health Challenges
- The Value of Workplace Neurodiversity
(adapted from Work Without Limits MA)
Organizations Who Provide TrainingWorkforce GPS - Your online technical assistance website created to help build the capacity of America's public workforce investment system.
Inclusion | Partners for Youth with Disabilities - This organization offers live, remote and online trainings on a variety of disability inclusion topics. Their trainings are designed to be most useful to youth-serving nonprofits, but their concepts are applicable to any organization that is interested in being more inclusive to people with disabilities.
EARN | Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion - Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) is a free resource that helps businesses tap the benefits of disability diversity by educating public and private sector organizations on ways to build inclusive workplace cultures.
The Sierra Group Foundation - The Sierra Group Foundation is your one-stop shop for all your disability related training, recruiting, and accommodation needs.
Disability Employment Publications - Created by the Office of Disability Policy - Businesses can find information to help recruit, hire, and retain employees with disabilities. Job seekers with disabilities can find information to develop their skills and find the support they need to get a job.
Leverage Universal Design
Universal Design (UD) is a strategy for making products, environments, operational systems, and services welcoming and usable to the most diverse range of people possible. Its key principles are simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency.
Universal Design - The U.S. Department of Labor provides an overview of how Universal Design increases ease of access to products, places, and services for multiple, diverse populations.
UDL Center | Medium - Medium has a dedicated channel for Universal Design in Learning.
Review Other Resources
CDO Workforce Business Resources - Explore CDO Workforce’s overview of business resources for hiring people with disabilities.
The Field Guide to Evolving Your Workforce - Think Beyond the Label created this guide on why it’s a smart business decision to hire people with disabilities and how to find a qualified candidate.
EmployAbility | A Toolkit for Employers - New York State’s Employment First Commission created this handbook about employing people of all abilities, including financial and tax incentives, how and why hiring people of all abilities is good for your business, and where to find qualified employees.
Respect Ability - Respect Ability and other disability organizations are leading the way for more businesses to add disability to the diversity and talent pipelines.
American Dream Employment Network (ADEN) - This is a consortium of service providers and businesses working together to create a path for individuals with disabilities, who are currently receiving Social Security disability benefits, and want to return to, or begin work for the first time.