Your First IRT Meeting
An Integrated Resource Team (IRT) can be created at any stage of your career journey. Steps in the journey include exploring career choices, going to school or enrolling in training, and trying out different types of work. Usually the first step is to have an intake meeting.
Intake Meeting
An intake meeting helps you identify your career and employment needs. The intake meeting can happen anywhere, but it often takes place at a Career Center with the help of a Disability Resource Coordinator (DRC) or career counselor. Read below to find out what should happen after an intake meeting.
Outcomes of the First Intake Meeting
- Share your employment history and career goals.
- Determine whether you need career exploration or assessments.
- Fill out required paperwork. A counselor or DRC can help as needed.
- Talk about your goals, strengths, skills, and areas where you might need help.
- Decide if you will create an IRT to support you in your career journey.
- If so, figure out who will be invited to the IRT. Remember, you should be the decision-maker. Nothing should happen without your consent, including the release of information to other partners.
IRT Meeting
The first meeting might include the job seeker's family members or school counselors. A career counselor or the Team Helper can help you decide who else should join. It’s a good idea to invite people or organizations based on any challenges you may have. It's common that members of the IRT may change throughout the journey.
Outcomes of the First IRT Meeting
- Before the first IRT meeting, review Important Parts of an IRT meeting to make sure you are prepared.
- Use an agenda to guide the meeting. An agenda is a list of topics that will be discussed in the meeting. Your Team Helper can support as needed.
- Discuss how each member of your team can help. Write down what everyone will do on an action plan, which is a list of activities everyone will complete.
- Create a communication plan so everyone knows how and when the team will share updates and meet next.